Abolish The 9-to-5 Work Week: Save Money, The Planet And Your Brain

Originally published at Ladybud Magazine This is Los Angeles, California. Downtown LA is not like most major cities, there is no real city center where jobs are concentrated. Its nine million residents drive across its crumbling, trafficked freeways from where they can afford to live to where they work every single day; the average commute…

The Economy is a Non-Issue

Originally published at TheTippingPoint.tv In three presidential debates there were three major issues notably absent: the environment, the War on Drugs and getting out (and staying out) of military conflict around the world. Instead both President Obama and Mitt Romney redirected all three debates, even the one supposedly dedicated to foreign policy, to the domestic…

Paranoia and Pollution: Humboldt County and the Battle for Privacy in Post-Drone America.

Full article available in SKUNK Magazine, available early December. Humboldt County is probably the only place in the world where it’s just as likely to shop for groceries alongside a marijuana farmer than it is a corn farmer in Kansas. Marijuana is literally growing everywhere. “Look on Google Earth, they [marijuana gardens] are just there. You don’t have…